Abstract: Long and short bridges are of different kind, the cable stayed brides are used most commonly. The cable stayed bridges are more stable in case of any danger. The bridge is more stable as structure and has less cost maintenance. Choosing a cable stayed bridge is well structured decision of economical characteristics. This kind of the of the bridges have become popular long span bridges. When compared to suspension bridges the cable stayed bridges are more popular. A cable stayed bridge consists of one or additional tower with cables supporting the upper deck. In terms of cable arrangements, the foremost common sort of cable stayed bridges are a fan, harp, and semi fan bridges. Due to their massive size and nonlinear structural behavior, the psychoanalysis of those sorts of bridges is additional sophisticated than the standard bridges? In these bridges, the cables are the most supply of nonlinearity. Obtaining the optimum distribution of post-tensioning cable forces is a critical job and plays a dangerous part in optimizing the planning of cable stayed bridges. This is an optimum style of a cable-stayed bridge with minimum price, whereas achieving strength and utility necessities could be a hard job. This paper discusses a theoretical review of the state of the art process of cable stayed bridges.

Keywords: Bridge, Cable Stayed Bride, Long Stayed Bridge.